Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Doesn't know, Doesn't Care

I really am not a political person and more importantly I don't force my political opinions on other people.  It might surprise some that my views on abortion are not those of the church, or for that matter, a lot of my friends.  But thats okay, because it's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it.  I really debated about whether I wanted to write about this and came to the conclusion after seeing how passionate Andrew is about the issue I would.

 I don't know much about Don't ask, Don't tell.   I know that it essentially makes it legal for the United States Military to effectively remove a soldier from a unit for the sole reason of being openly gay, or rather, him or herself.   I know that this policy is selective bigotry and the most simplest of forms.  I know that if a person decided he or she wanted to fight for my freedom I wouldn't tell that person it was okay as long as they were not gay, I would simply say thank you.  I know someone who wanted to be apart of the military and even started the whole process of joining the military but was removed once he announced his sexuality.  I know I kiss that someone, and hold his hand regularly.  I know he has more courage than I could ever have.  I know he and others like him have been grievously disserviced by the military.  Lastly, I know should there ever be a shortage of military men and women and we had to go back to a draft, I have a feeling the government might decide to look the other way when people say 'but Im gay'.

If someone has a problem serving in the military with a gay person, fine transfer that person out of the unit.   Afterall, its not the gay person who has the problem.  I thought I read an article online that discussed surveys being conducted within the branches of the military and while it was not overwhelmingly one way verses the other,  those who agreed with the statement "homosexuality is a non-issue" were significantly greater than those who disagreed.

My opinion, as small as it is and simple as it might be sometimes, just tells me that if a citizen of the US wants to throw on that uniform and go put their life in harms way for me to be able to have the freedoms that I do.  I say, why not?  I say, Thank you ...

So tomorrow we'll see what happens... Will the US rule this archaic, close minded regulation unconstitutional.  Will it recognize the selective bigotry it has been practicing for so long.  Can the US admit to making a mistake?

I care...

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