Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Hypochondriacs Guide to Life. And Death.

Im at Lake Cumberland for 8 days and I always find myself getting caught up in some good books when I'm down here.  For some reason I can sit on the porch swing and read for hours, sit on the boat and read for hours, lay on the cabin floor... and read for hours.  For whatever reason,  Lake Cumberland makes me want to read.

So I came down with Justin, Jacob and Megan and they left Thursday morning to go back to Ohio.  My mom didn't get here until later that night so after I acclimated myself with all the news about the Supreme Court's healthcare ruling (foreshadowing for another blog entry... dun dun dun...)  I got the iBook store and this was a recommended title for me.

At first I chuckled because I thought to myself: "how dare iPad call me a hype!" but after reading the synopsis I had to download it, and at $10.00 it was just the right price, and the right length.

The book itself was funny and witty yet really discussed how the hypochondriac mind works.  It was an interesting read for me, being a person with what some would call "major health problems".   As someone who has faced death many times I can tell you I was annoyed when thinking someone would just "want" to be sick.   The worst part about it is that at some point in the hypes life, they really will be sick with something and no one will believe them because its essentially a "boy who cried wolf" scenario.

Ultimately these people are mentally ill and I am respectful of that, but it doesn't change the fact that for those of us who have suffered immense pain in our lives because of illness and tried, with every fiber of our being, to regain a semblance of health - that it is a hard pill to swallow.

I think its fair to say that should any of these people ever come down with something even a fraction as bad as what I've had to deal with, they would change their tune immediately.  But I could be wrong, who knows?

The strangest things get me off on a tangent, and I loved this book and I highly recommend it but I still would trade health situations with any one of those "alleged ill" any day of the week.

I'll leave you with this quote from the book that had me in stitches.... (I'm going to do my best at remembering how it went)

"... Mr. or Miss. Hypochondriac, when you become 'sick' with one of your same four or five undiagnosable maladies for the seventy-fifth time this year and feel the need to tell everyone you come in contact about it to garner sympathy, please know this:  I will catch your fictitious disease, mimic your fictitious symptoms, create a fictitious receipt for medicine to cure said fictitious disease and then subsequently demand, most non-fictitiously, to be reimbursed for my expenses.  Because, ultimately, if I am going to have to listen about it, I might as well profit off of it."  


As always... stay healthy, and stay happy :-)

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